
Sunday, July 15, 2012

Day Twenty-Five: Cleaning, Chicken, and Migraine

I'm laying in between the kids right now: Callie's asleep on my left and John on my right.  Today was an interesting day because, the more things we pack up, the less things there are for them to play with....meaning I have two very smart, very active, very bored children.  And that stinks....for all of us. 

I've had ongoing tension headaches for the past week or so, and I felt a whopper coming on today.  I cleaned out the living room, packing up what's left of the knick-knacks and carefully boxing up my prized mid-century Indian lamp.  The whole time, I felt that humming and feeling like a rubber band being stretched more and more in my head.  When I was beating out chicken breasts for dinner, it broke with a resounding thump into my temples.  I immediately went upstairs and took three OTC migraine pills, finished dinner, and tried to relax it away in a hot bath (gonna miss that whirlpool tub!) but to no avail.  Unfortunately, the combination of the caffeine in the pills and the caffeine in the instant coffee I made earlier is making it almost impossible to fall asleep....what a genius idea: "Hey, let's put caffeine in a pain-killing product so they can be fully alert for the pain!"

So all in all, a good day, I accomplished quite a bit, and now I'm really, really ready to be able to fall asleep.  I haven't pulled out the white noise app on my phone in a while, but I think that might do the ticket's hoping!

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