
Friday, May 18, 2012

Let's make THIS a law....Buddhist-style!

Hi friends!

Today we're delving into Buddhism to examine what tenets of this faith should be applied as legislation in the United States.  As you're aware, currently we are using the Christian Holy Bible to introduce legislation based solely on Christian Biblical teaching.

As we are a nation that values freedom of and from religion, it logically follows that we should also select important tenets from ALL faiths represented here in the U.S. to be entered into legislation.

Yesterday we explored certain tenets of Hinduism.  A peaceful religion, Hindus value meditation, acquiring knowledge and peace rather than earthly possessions, a clean, vegetarian diet, among other moral codes that will assist in achieving divine knowledge [salvation, if you will].  Today we're taking a look at Buddhism.

Most monotheistic religions have one or just a couple of "sacred texts", in which are the guidelines to achieving salvation.  Buddhism, however, is a much more complicated religion in that there are many, many texts that are considered sacred.  I'll be referencing a few texts  to gain a general understanding and will highlight a few tenets that are very important to Buddhists and thus should be made into law.  Because it's very difficult to get a direct translation, some of these may not be EXACT word-for-word quotes or may be summaries.

"Hatred is never appeased by hatred in this world. By non-hatred alone is hatred appeased. This is law eternal."  Verse 5, the Dhammapada
I recommend legislation outlining the criminalization of hatred.  For instance, the Westboro Baptist Clan should all be punished for their outright hateful behavior, as should anyone engaging in willful discrimination and bigotry.

"Self and others are equal...benefit others before self." Bodhisattva Correspondence, Bodhicatta DharmaI recommend legislation in which any citizen may rebuke another citizen for putting themselves before others.  In fact, if a proven act of selfishness occurs, it should be punishable by law.  For instance, if an actor earns $10M making a film, he must by law donate at least 50% of his earnings to the poor or to the charity of his choice.  Exceptions will be made when a family is at poverty level and they are using most of their income in the physical support of themselves and/or their children or elderly family members, as those dependent family members do come before the main bread-winner.  However, if it is discovered that within a family, the parents have expensive electronics, clothing, etc. and their children are poorly dressed and fed, those parents shall be punished under this statute.

"The supernatural feat of joyous effort/energy/perseverance--profound absorption through diligence." 10th factor of enlightenment Viryaddhipado-viriya
I recommend legislation outlawing giving up.  There IS a profound joy in completing a difficult task, so if someone begins college, it will be their lawful duty to complete some sort of degree program.  If someone begins writing a book, it will be their lawful duty to complete a body of writing. [Side note: I do believe this would inherently outlaw divorce.]  
As a part of this law, I would also like to see a law stating that every man and woman must also have a garden, even if it's only a few herbs in a window-box.  The process of growing a plant from seed to an edible food product is an example lesson in joyous effort, perseverance, and diligence.  This would also contribute to teaching our society about responsible food practices and may go a great distance to reducing or even eliminating hunger.

"Four Noble Truths *The most basic statement of Buddhist belief:
(1) All is suffering (dukka).
(2) Suffering is caused by desire.
(3) If one can eliminate desire, they can eliminate suffering.
(4) The Noble Eight-fold Path can eliminate desire.

The Noble Eightfold path consists of the eight steps by which a person can achieve Nirvana. This is the path by which one ceases to desire and thereby ceases to suffer (see dukkha). This path leads to a form of meditation which, similar to Raja Yoga in Hinduism, enables a person to reach enlightenment. The eight stages are:
1) Right Views.
2) Right Intent.
3) Right Speech.
4) Right Conduct.
5) Right livelihood.
6) Right effort.
7) Right mindfulness.
8) Right concentration."                                

I again recommend legislation mandating meditation. Many of the Noble Truths can be begun, much less achieved, only through self-awareness made possible by diligent meditation.  A minimum one-hour meditation time should be required of all citizens.  In addition, a citizen not displaying a public practicing of the Noble Eightfold path shall be punished by law and entered into a "rehabilitation" program forcing that individual to follow this path, as it shall lead to ultimate salvation.

This post is significantly shorter than my previous as it's so difficult to obtain direct translation of Buddhist texts, in the format with which we're familiar, anyway.  I do hope that the point I'm attempting to make is coming through loud and clear, however....we do share our nation with Hindus and Buddhists, and their religious views are no less important than the Christian majority.

Next I'll be looking at Judaism, which should be interesting as it shares many of the same laws as are present in the Christian Bible.  It should be a fascinating trip! Please check back and COMMENT!  I love and cherish feedback and discussion!

See you soon!

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Let's make THIS a law! Hindu-style...

Hi friends!

OK, in a spirit of fairness to all of our great religions represented here in America, I'm doing a series for the next few days where we will examine various religious texts and from them devise laws that I would like to see introduced as legislation.  This is ONLY FAIR, right, considering a religious law from a Christian text has been entered into legislation in several states?

Alright, here we go!  First up...Hinduism!  Enjoying a fairly recent surge in popularity by Americans due to the practice of yoga and the recent book & film, "Eat, Pray, Love", Hinduism is a peaceful religion whose followers practice meditation, vegetarianism, and physical acts of thoughtful worship [yoga].

These verses are quoted directly from the Bhagavad-gītā, a text just as important to Hindus as the Holy Bible is to Christians (which has been used as the basis for recent legislation so legally holds the same weight).

"Spiritual persons partaking of vegetarian remnants offered in sacrifice unto the Supreme Lord get relief of all variety of sins; but those who prepare food for their own consumption , those sinners eat only sin." Ch 3 v. 13
I recommend legislation banning the farming of, slaughter of, and sale of meat products to be prepared in the home.  This scripture is very clear that only a vegetarian diet is pleasing to Lord Krshna and therefore allowing one to receive salvation.  We want to make sure all citizens achieve salvation and don't sin, so a vegetarian diet should be put in place and enforced by law for all citizens.

"Those seers of truth, whose doubts have been dispelled, devoid of all sins, engaged in self-realization, and who are always concerned for the spiritual welfare of all living beings, achieve liberation in the Ultimate Truth." Ch. 5 v. 25
I recommend legislation creating harsh penalties and punishment for anyone not concerned with the "spiritual welfare of all living beings".  Therefore, should you see a fellow citizen not pursuing a spiritual life and struggling to achieve spiritual balance and peace, you may report that citizen to the local authorities for arrest and penalty.

"Anyone uttering the indestructible mono syllable Om, the transcendental sound vibration of Ultimate Truth, remembering me continuously; thus relinquishing their body in this way achieves the supreme goal."  Ch. 8 v. 13
I recommend legislation enforcing a mandatory meditation time for the entire population.  While you don't have to practice your meditation at the same time every day (the whole country would screech to a halt...I'm not impractical! Duh!), you must publicly, visibly practice your meditation for a minimum of one hour every day.  Failure to do this will result in penalties because we really care about you achieving spiritual awareness, thus achieving salvation.

"Lord Krsna said: of those who are endowed with a firm faith of a special kind beyond material conceptions; fixing the mind on me, always engaged exclusively worshiping me, They are considered by me the most superior of all."  Ch. 12 v. 2
I recommend legislation providing financial assistance to those who commit to the ultimate in spiritual awareness: dedicating their lives to exclusive worship of the Supreme Lord.  It is clear in this scripture that pursuing material possessions by way of a layman's "job" is not pleasing and therefore we must follow in exclusive worship; however, to be able to provide for one's bodily needs, a financial stipend is necessary.

"That devotee of Mine who is non-envious possessing benevolence towards all living entities, compassionate with no sense of proprietorship; free from false ego, equal in distress and happiness, forgiving, always the content one perfecting the science of uniting the individual consciousness with the Ultimate Consciousness, self-controlled with unflinching determination, dedicating mind and spiritual intelligence upon Me is very dear to me." Ch. 12 v. 13-14
I recommend legislation enforcing this guideline of character traits for our elected officials; thus, the first time a politician exhibits envy, non-benevolence towards all living entities, non-compassion, a sense of proprietorship, a false ego, a faltering temperment, non-forgiving, then that politician be immediately removed from office, as their spiritual intelligence is not pleasing to the Supreme Lord and he is therefore unfit to be a public leader.

"The three kinds of doorways to hell are lust, anger, and greed; therefore these three are so destructive to the embodied self they must be abandoned." Ch. 16 v. 21
I recommend legislation enacting stiff penalties on those who exhibit lust, anger, and greed.  It is my belief, therefore, that the pornography industry, any industry using professional fighting or sparring, the military, and all corporations employing excess greed be immediately abolished.

"With the destruction of the family the spiritual traditions of the family perish forever; when spiritual values are destroyed, then unrighteousness predominates the entire society." Ch. 1 v. 39
Guess what this quote is in reference to?  No, not gay marriage, silly, it's about war.  Read the entire chapter to gain context.  Now, having said that, I recommend legislation immediately disbanding any form of military and barring our involvement in all future wars due to the damage it inflicts upon the family unit.  If we are going to hold "family values" so near and dear, this should be a no-brainer, right?

"Alas, how strange it is that we have resolved to commit great sin.  Just because of greed for royal luxuries we are prepared to slay our own kinsman." Ch.1 v. 44
I recommend legislation enforcing that all of those displaying excess greed will be immediately penalized and their excess wealth removed from them and dispersed to those who have nothing.  For those whose quest for wealth and luxuries results in the death or near-death (by, for example, starvation or near-starvation of a manual laborer or his family due to unemployment due to outsourcing), there will be a penalty of imprisonment for their crimes against humanity.

I would think that all faithful Christians who value their personal religious beliefs being accepted into our state and nation's legislation would appreciate and understand these laws and thus obediently follow and practice them.  We all know that the ultimate goal is spiritual salvation through the religion of our choice, and so by practicing the moral codes set forth by our spiritual leaders, we can all achieve this nirvana (or Heaven, if you will).

We'll delve into Buddhism tomorrow!  I do hope that by this careful and thorough examination of ALL the religions represented in our great nation, we can construct a set of laws that will allow representation from ALL walks of life and all believers!  After all, it's all about religious freedoms, right?!

See ya tomorrow!

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Protesting Do's and Don't's...

Hi friends!

So I found this story this morning...
...a guy who's "protesting" an 'all you can eat' joint because they *gasp* cut him off after eating enough fish for a family of he comes back with a "sign" made of cardboard with "POOR BUSINESS PRACTICES" written in ink pen and begins protesting.  Upon attracting media attention, it comes to light that he actually has a running tab at the restaurant, one which has not been settled, and, oh yeah, he admits they have amazing pizza.

OK, there is so much wrong with this picture, so we're going to look at what makes a successful protest.

1) Make sure it's a worthwhile cause.  I can't stress this enough...protest everything that upsets you and you'll just come across as a flake in your community.  Did the chick at Subway stiff you on lettuce?  Not worth it.  Did the chick at Subway utter racial slurs while flashing her swastika tattoo?  Probably worth it...but not until you've taken the proper measures (more on that later).  Don't go picketing businesses/organizations for no reason or for a really dumb reason- if the media turns up, it will be negative press for you, not them.

2) Cover your bases.  Yes, the sidewalk is public domain, but that doesn't mean you can just set up camp there and start protesting.  Check with your city and get the proper permits for amplified sound (if you're using a bullhorn) or permit to assemble (if it's more than a few people).  If you get arrested before the media arrives, it will be like you were never there.  Don't waste your time and energy.  If you're looking to get arrested, call the media first and inform them of what you're doing and why.  Issue a press release FIRST (because, ya know, you can't from jail).  Trust me, if you send a press release and let the media know first, they'll be there....they like arrests.  If you're going to this extreme, it better be something big (see #1).

 3) Give them a chance first.  Before you go postal on the chick from Subway, contact corporate first.  Go through their processes...give a statement, allow them to investigate...if she isn't fired or at least disciplined severely (OK, if she's flashing swastikas, fired is probably the correct choice here), then go ahead with your protest.  But it's completely unfair to the company to give them tons of bad press if you don't allow them to take reasonable measures first.  Definitely follow through, though...if you truly were offended, don't let it go because other customers may also have had the same experience.  It's only through people speaking up that practices like this are removed.

4) Go all out.  OK, so you've contacted Subway corporate several times and gotten blown off.  You've checked with your city, gotten whatever permits you need, you've picked a date and time, now what?  First, rally some troops.  Reach out to friends and associates who might also be outraged over someone being discriminated against.  Act quickly so it's still relevant...try to gather as many friends as possible in about a week.  Don't look like homeless people spazzing out. What do I mean?  Let's not tear up a cardboard box and write on it with ink pen.  Dollar Tree, people, Dollar Tree.  Get some actual poster board, sharpies, and stencils....all sold at Dollar Tree.  Make your message clear, large, and neat so it can be read from far away and on news cameras. Speaking of the news, issue a press release!  Most news channels and newspapers have contact forms on their websites...take a few minutes and submit forms to each site telling them when and where your protest is and a brief run-down of why you're protesting.   Take the extra second to use proper grammar and want to be taken seriously.  Speaking of being taken seriously...

5) Take yourself seriously.  If you were seriously offended, enough to go through the four steps listed above and STILL fired up enough to protest, then force others to take you seriously.  Don't dress like a bag lady.  I'm not saying you have to wear a suit and tie, but you want people to listen to what you say, right?  Even wearing a T-shirt with your protest info neatly stenciled on it makes a better impression than wearing a ripped flannel shirt.  Don't engage in arguments with bystanders or employees at the protest...focus on why you're there.  Have a statement prepared for the media so you come across as articulate and reasonable.  If you were offended by a statement or slur, stick to the issue- don't get into side discussions about other matters.  Nothing ruins an activist's work quicker than someone looking like a whacko, ranting and raving on the six o'clock news and a chucking reporter signing off....there goes your cause and your credibility.

6) Know when to fold.  Even if you've made the trip to Dollar Tree, even if you've made your press announcement and are in the middle of stenciling your T-shirt...if Subway's corporate office calls and informs you that their internal investigation is complete and the employee has been fired, do the right thing.  Call it off.  Don't give a business bad press when they've rectified the wrong.  Notify the press of what has happened and call off the protest.  Just forming a public protest page on Facebook and gently dropping the hint to the corporate office of the business (like posting a link to the protest page on corporate's FB wall) is enough to make them put their investigation in high gear and push it through.  It takes balance in believing in yourself and knowledge of the offending situation to know when to raise a stink, and then knowing when to let it go and realize it's been resolved. 

The story of the "all-you-can-eat fish man" is simply ludicrous, but there are instances in which a protest is totally called for.  If you want to be taken seriously and have a situation rectified, take yourself seriously.  Take your First Amendment right (and inherent responsibilities) seriously.  I'm all for a good protest, for the right reasons. 

Oh, and if protesting isn't your thing, then get off your ass and VOTE for the right elected officials who will do the right thing in the first place.



Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Civil liberties....going bye bye?

One of the comments...."In a nation where peaceful protest becomes impossible.
Violent protest becomes inevitable."

I'm inclined to agree.  You can't target your own citizens and expect it to be's one of the first benchmarks of a facist regime, instilling fear and using that fear to target your own citizens under the pretense of "protecting" the rest of the citizens.  NOT COOL.

Meet Bob, the Bigot.

Here's why...I don't like Delegate Bob Marshall.....

First of all, most recently he successfully blocked
openly gay Richmond prosecutor, Tracy Thorne-Begland, from appointment to a General District Court judgeship in the city.  Nevermind that Thorne-Begland was a veteran (which is more than Marshall can claim...he never served) and has at least made an effort to protect and defend our citizens.....a discriminatory and now-defunct policy prohibited his furthering and completing his military career.  So Bob Marshall, a man who never wore a uniform or stepped up to defend our nation, feels that he should further humiliate and debase Thorne-Begland by refusing to allow him to pursue his CURRENT career ambitions of, again, serving the public.  Good job, Bob.

Delegate Bob Marshall is an anti-public school, anti-women, anti-LGBT, anti-progress right-wing fanatic who has proudly and persistently shoved his personal conservative Catholic views down the throats of Virginians for nearly a decade.  But if you don't believe me, here's HIS word on it (without links to the actual text of the legislation, of course....he wouldn't want you to actually READ the verbage of the laws he forced through):

Bob Marshall is in the pocket of lobbyists and there is no doubt that he is handily pushing their agenda for his own personal gain.  His involvement with ALEC (American Legislative Exchange Council) is a testament to his willingness to cater to corporate America rather than what's best for the people.  [If you'd like to find out more about ALEC, you can click here: ( or here: ( most importantly, take a look at their "Private Enterprise Board": ...oh, my... O_o.

Here are a few of the bills Bob has sponsored in our fine state.  Instead of pushing for extra money for public education, he suggests that we just give poor people scholarships to go to private schools.  He wants to PROHIBIT the EPA from regulating greenhouse gases.   He thinks it's OK for the poor to go without health insurance.  And, along with hating the gays, he hates immigrants. 

Oh, and he's the cause of the "In God We Trust" phrase to be displayed in public schools AND for the mandatory parent counseling about the effects of divorce on children before being granted a know, so wives who are victims of domestic assault and have the courage to finally divorce their husbands can be told how much they are going to ruin their children's lives to do so. 

I'm also kind of confused about what Bob actually DID for a living before jumping into politics.  His website tells where he went to college and grad school, but then just says he collects lots of books and likes to lift weights.  Imagine that, an overly educated jock floating on someone else's money while harassing others for a living.  Sounds like Sigma Chi would love to have you, Mr. Marshall... a grown frat boy.

Listed below are the bills he sponsored or cosponsored; you can make your own determination from them.  As for me, having a public official whose lists of "Awards" includes one from the "Holy Family Academy" doesn't give me much faith in our local government.   It's time to vote these bigots OUT!  Register today and VOTE, VOTE, VOTE!

HB 1843 (2007), HB 1164 (2008), HB 1965 (2009), HB 2314 (2011): Education Investment Tax Credit
This legislation, which has been repeatedly introduced by anti-public school advocates, would create a tax credit for businesses that donate to scholarship funds for low-income students to attend private elementary and secondary schools.
Ø 2007 sponsor: Delegate Christopher Saxman
Ø 2008 sponsors: Delegates Saxman, Athey, Cole, Lingamfelter and Peace
Ø 2009 sponsors: Delegates Saxman, Athey, Cole, Lingamfelter and Pogge
Ø 2011 sponsors: Massie, Greason, Howell, A.T., Abbitt, Albo, Anderson, Athey, Bell, Richard P., Bell, Robert B., Byron, Cleaveland, Cline, Cole, Comstock, Cosgrove, Cox, J.A., Cox, M.K., Garrett, Gilbert, Habeeb, Iaquinto, Ingram, Janis, Joannou, Landes, Lingamfelter, Loupassi, Marshall, D.W., Marshall, R.G., May, Merricks, O'Bannon, Oder, Peace, Pogge, Poindexter, Purkey, Robinson, Stolle, Villanueva and Wilt; Senator: Obenshain
Ø Status: did not pass

HR72 and SR 29: Resolution opposing EPA regulation of greenhouse gases
This model resolution from ALEC was introduced in at least 8 states in 2011. The resolution memorializes Congress to adopt legislation prohibiting the EPA from regulating greenhouse gases. James Morefield, who sponsored the Virginia version, “took the EPA resolution verbatim from the ALEC website after it had been presented to him by the coal industry.” (LA Times)
Ø Sponsors: Delegates Morefield, Bell, Richard P., Carrico, Crockett-Stark, Edmunds, Johnson, Kilgore, Marshall, R.G. and Phillips, Senators Puckett and Wampler
Ø Status: Failed

HB 10, HB 722, HB 576, SB 417, SB 283, and SB 311: Virginia Health Care Freedom Act
This bill prohibits penalizing residents for failing to obtain health insurance coverage. ALEC touts on its website that this legislation has been introduced in at least 38 states. This legislation has served as the basis for standing in Attorney General Cuccinelli’s lawsuit against the federal government over the Affordable Care Act. The U.S. Court of Appeals for the 4th Circuit threw out Cuccinelli’s suit, ruling that the Virginia Health Care Freedom Act did not provide him standing to sue. (Sources: ALEC, Washington Post)
Ø HB 10 Sponsors: Delegates Marshall, R.G., O'Bannon, Abbitt, Anderson, Athey, Bell, Richard P., Bell, Robert B., Byron, Carrico, Cleaveland, Cole, Comstock, Cox, J.A., Cox, M.K., Crockett-Stark, Edmunds, Garrett, Gear, Gilbert, Greason, Howell, W.J., Hugo, Iaquinto, Ingram, Johnson, Jones, Knight, Landes, LeMunyon, Lingamfelter, Lohr, Marshall, D.W., May, Merricks, Miller, J.H., Morefield, Morgan, Nixon, Oder, Peace, Pogge, Poindexter, Rust, Scott, E.T., Sherwood, Tata, Villanueva, Ware, R.L. and Wright; Senators: Colgan, Hurt, Martin, Newman, Obenshain, Ruff, Stuart, Vogel and Wagner
Ø HB 722 Sponsors: Delegates Peace, Byron, Cox, J.A., Landes, Nixon, O'Bannon and Purkey
Ø HB 576 Sponsors: Delegate Cole
Ø SB 417 Sponsors: Senators Vogel, Hurt, Martin, McDougle, Newman, Obenshain, Smith, Stosch and Stuart
Ø SB 283 Sponsors: Quayle, Martin and Vogel
Ø SB 311 Sponsors: Martin; Delegate: Bell, Richard P
Ø Status: The several bills were combined and passed

HB 2332: Determining the citizenship of arrestee
This legislation would require law enforcement to determine the citizenship of an arrestee and allows judges to deny bail based on probable cause determination of illegal alien status.
Ø Sponsors: Delegates Lingamfelter, Anderson, Athey, Cole, Cox, J.A., Hugo, Landes, Marshall, R.G., Miller, J.H., Poindexter, Robinson and Rust
Ø Status: Failed