
Tuesday, March 5, 2013

A New Normal

So this is the day. The day I begin. The day I push down the 'you're going to fail' voices and I plunge into the abyss.
 I will write.
I will write every free moment of every day until my words begin to take some kind of shape and rise up as the art I know they are able to be, that I am capable of making. I am going to push and twist and bend and cut and trash and start over until the writing I felt stirring in me years and years ago is back and is able to be released. Hundreds of millions of words, words of fear and shame, power and anger, redemption and achievement, they've all been there, buried under the speeding bullet of time.

Always another grab for my time, the jobs, the kids, the failed relationships with the wrong men, and never a moment to release these tumultuous words kicking around my soul like the babies kicked the womb long ago: throbbing, strumming, humming, and they'll flow out like the lyrics from my vinyls, stirring the souls and minds of others who will flock to my writings and drink from them.  I'm opening doors within that have been sealed for far too long and rip off the bandages for the sweet ache of release as I relive the bad with the good and I tell the story of my evolution, the piece of humanity that is me.

I'm packing my bags for the journey: a carry-on of writing tools, select traveling mates of editor-friends, and trunks packed with hope, fervor, strength, courage, a bit of humor, and one of those adapter thingies so I can plug into other cultures.

The voyage begins now!


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