
Sunday, November 15, 2009

New Diet...again

So after being more and more frustrated with my weight and size (which has been steadily growing over the past three years), I decided to do something about it. At the time of this revelation, I wasn't sure quite what. I went on Weight Watchers last year....I could never make it to the meetings and it was very difficult to even figure out the "points" for the foods I made for my family every day. With little motivation, I quit that. I took some diet pills for a while, but all they did was give me incredible energy (which is why I still occasionally take them), weight loss.

Now, in my defense, the past five years have been dedicated to making a I have carried three children and had three deliveries....not too conducive to losing weight. Also, I am not mordibly obese....I currently weigh just under 170 pounds. While my friends (and my doctor) assure me this is NOT morbidly obese for my height, I feel atrocious. I have never, ever been this big in my life. I am lingering between a size 10 and a size 12, meaning the size 10's are uncomfortably snug and the size 12's somewhat hang, especially around the rear area. Not cool. I've also been feeling yucky lately, getting sick more than I have in past years, getting stupid headaches and doing less and less outdoor activity with my kids. Obviously, this has all got to change...I'm only 27!

So, the same day I set my mind to making a change, I saw not one, not two, but three infomercials for P90X. Being an avid disbeliever in infomercial nonsense, I Googled the reviews,and they weren't all bad. In fact, I had a hard time finding a bad one! I mean, you have to do it to get's not a piece of machinery or a pill or's just a fitness and nutrition program. So, in a moment of weakness, I ordered it.

It came quicker than expected, just about four days. I actually set it aside for the first couple of days, because I had just perfected a lemon meringue pie recipe and wanted to enjoy the fruits of my labor. I also was scared to begin what I knew would be a big change to our family's diet.

I finally got the nerve to open the box, and what I saw first was not the pack of DVD's but a quite hefty nutrition guide. I was impressed and sat down and thumbed through it. I made a shopping list based off the ingredients in the recipes.

**I must add, this was a big change to our normal diet....instead of the 2 produce bins at the bottome of the fridge holding a bag of salad, some extra butter sticks, and some Coke cans, they were both packed with fresh produce, as well as the ENTIRE bottom shelf of my fridge. The shopping list actually had NO BUTTER on it. There were a variety of oils and other cooking liquids like cooking wines, sherry, and vinegars. If you are used to making a lot of casseroles and Crock Pot meals with Velveeta, starches, etc....this will be a BIG CHANGE for you, cause it sure was for me! I also want to add that some of the ingredients took some intensive research...I just couldn't find them in any grocery store around us, even the "gourmet" or specialty stores (like arrowroot...where do I get that stuff??). I had to research a suitable alternative to still fulfill the recipes.**

Day One has just's a Sunday, and I got all the ingredients yesterday and was eager to begin. The breakfast in my meal plan calls for a Mushroom Omelette, a serving of cottage cheese, and fresh strawberries. Well I am already tweaking. I had no fresh strawberries (I guess it's the season) so I subbed an orange, and I LOATHE cottage cheese, so I substituted with a serving of lite yogurt. Word to the wise, eat the citrus fruit FIRST. I ate the omelette, which didn't just have mushrooms, it also had green onion and roma was pretty tasty, although VERY different than what I'm used to...and then I ate the yogurt. So eating a citrus fruit after something so sweet as the yogurt made the orange taste bitter, and I usually LOVE oranges. So, I definitely didn't like that. And I'm used to washing my breakfast all down with a hot cup of coffee, and having ice water seemed sooooo strange. But I am full, which was more than I expected.

The kids actually ate a version of my breakfast, too. I had to have egg whites only for my omelette, so the yolks had to go somewhere, so I scrambled them up for the kids. They also had orange slices and GoGurt instead of my lite yogurt. They all loved it, but it wasn't that different at all from what I usually give them. Maybe I should have just been paying attention to what my children were eating all this time because none of them are overweight!

We'll see how it goes....I'll keep track of it here. I plan on doing the workouts just after lunch because that's when the kids will be napping so I will have enough free time to work out and shower without the kids all underfoot (literally).

My goal is to get back down to 125 pounds, which is five pounds above my average weight my senior year of high school. I would like to be able to fit into a size 6 again, although I will definitely be happy with a comfortable 8. But most of all, I want to be in shape and no more of this jiggly belly.

Wish me luck!

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