
Thursday, October 23, 2008

Today's my brother's birthday! Anyway, it's been a while since I wrote because it seems everything I touch has! Our van has some sort of electrical problem and it won't start. Then, about three days later, we got rear-ended in the Jeep. The dog jumped on the laptop and broke it by bending the monitor all the way back, and then the heat pump went out in the house. Who knew we could rack up about $2K of repairs in less than two weeks?

Anyway, I'm trying to stay positive. We've got plenty of space heaters, so until the heat pump's fixed we can stay warm. The Jeep still runs, so until the van is fixed we still have transportation. The laptop is still functional, I just have to plug it via VGA into the desktop monitor, which of course makes it lack the portability of a laptop but hey, I didn't lose all my photos and data and buying another laptop isn't entirely necessary at this time. So as long as we're all healthy, I'm happy. (Knocking hard on wood).

So Logan got to come home for about four days and then went straight back out to sea. I hate it. But at least he will be home for the holidays this year!! I'm so excited! He's going to be here for Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, AND New Year's (an unprecedented lineup thus far in his Navy career!). I think we're sticking around the area during the holidays except maybe a long weekend up to NYC to ice-skate at Rockafeller Center. Logan's never been, which I think is a crying shame and I insisted we go before we move out to the MidWest and never again see, you know what I mean. I know my parents are coming up for Thanksgiving and we may go down there for a few days right around Christmas.

OK, so is anyone sick to death of hearing about the election, already? If I hear one more ad about either candidate I'll scream. We're turning our cable off and attempting to live sans TV for a while...everyone I know who's done it has never gone back! So hopefully when I'm not leaving news channels on all day to watch while I do laundry, vaccuum, etc, it won't bug me so bad! Our local newspaper has done a great job of covering other news so my morning read isn't ruined. :)

I'm afraid I've got no new photos today...somehow I ruined my Bluetooth connection so I can't upload the photos from my phone. At least my 2 yr upgrade is coming up in a few weeks so I'll be getting a new phone that works ALL the time! Yay! Logan's tried to get me to buy a new phone before now, since mine is shorting out, losing power quickly, and now the Bluetooth is messed up....but there's a certain satsifaction in holding on to something until you get rewarded with a uber-cool new one for free or really, really cheap. So I'll hold out the three additional weeks, keep my phone plugged in 24/7, and just stockpile these photos until I do get a new, uber-cool phone! Until then...I'll just post here...

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