
Saturday, October 4, 2008

Lazy Saturday

I love Saturday mornings...I'm still in my 'jammies and Callie fell asleep beside me on the couch watching cartoons. I'm just about done with my homework for the week, so I might be able to actually enjoy the zoo tomorrow without worrying about my schoolwork.

Janet and I went to Hunt Club Farms last night to the Haunted Hayride and all that. The hayride was alright b/c I just kept my eyes closed...LOL...I heard everybody else screaming but nothing jumped on the wagon next to me or touched me, so I was alright. Then in the Village of the Dead, they kept touching me so I was freaking out, like a little girl. :) Then I was just about done, but Janet made me go through the Field of Screams and she said it wasn't a big deal (she went last year)...she literallly said, "It's not like Children of the Corn or anything," and that's exactly what it was like!!! We had to literally walk through a cornfield and there were people in the corn, and then you came to this old barn and you had to walk through it in pitch black....yeah, by the time we got out of that field, I was! Janet said, "That corn field was NOT like that last year!" and I said, "The corn grew, Janet, it does that." So now I'm definitely in Halloween spirit.
We also went shopping for our Halloween costumes. I got a referee chick outfit, and Janet got her bride of frankenstein outfit. We had to try on tons of them to find something we could both agree on. At least I had an honest person with would have said they all looked alright.

Well John's waking up so I better run. Today we're going to find something to get into...I think there's a festival downtown that we'll go check out.

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