
Sunday, May 5, 2013

Solar flares...are you scared?

Read this article about solar flares on Friday that were powerful enough to black out radio signal on Earth for a while.

That's intense.

I know people all across the spectrum, from those who barely believe in science to those who think global warming will kill us all and destroy the earth during our life time.  While I'm not that extreme, I do think global warming is a very real problem that is going to have very real consequences during our lifetime. That being said, do you have a "contingency plan" if something goes awry? Natural disaster? Terrific solar flare? Tsunami? Earthquake?

I'm sad to say that I don' When I lived on the coast, the realities of hurricanes were much more immediate and real, so I had a huge emergency kit and we had emergency plans for where to go in case of evacuation. I bought one of those giant Rubbermaid bins, the one you could use for a deck box, and it had cases of bottled water, blankets, tarps, canned food, dog food, first aid kit, a crank radio, flashlights and batteries, etc. We were uber-prepared (and had to use it a couple of years ago). Now that I've moved inland, I have nearly none of that. I need to get on that.

Of course, it's silly to act like we're the first few generations to have natural disasters. History has documented massive floods and droughts, earthquakes, forest fires, etc. for thousands of years. The difference is that now humans are having a very real impact on causing some of these to occur through massive pollution and global warming.

Do you have an emergency plan? What are your thoughts on global warming vs. just another earth cycle? Chime in...comments, messages, email...

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