
Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Facebook-Free: Day Two

Everyone's done it. Decided enough was enough and walked off from the alluring blue and white scene for a while. I've seen people's profiles just mysteriously disappear, and I've seen the dramatic exeunt speeches. I didn't think much about my Facebook vaca: I saw a friend post a short, simple message including #FacebookFreeFebruary and I instantly loved it, posted a similar message, and deleted the Facebook app from my phone. Quick like a Band-Aid.

Day One was so busy with an all-staff meeting two hours away that I didn't miss it much. I rose at 5 am and didn't get home until almost 7, so I was too exhausted to care. I did cheat once and logged on via my laptop quickly, just enough to see a ranting headline (well, it was caucus day in Iowa, after all), so I shut it down.

Day Two has been more tempting. I typically eat lunch at my desk (I know, I know...#nonprofitlife), and during that time I usually scan Facebook, read the articles, catch up with friends, etc. I sat down with my lunch and opened up a new tab and actually typed "face" before I realized what I was doing! Man, am I an addict or what?! I opted to read the Greenville News instead (hard copy- newsprint fingers and all).

The lead article was one about who Rep Tim Scott is endorsing. I read it through, partially because Tim Scott is a rare Republican with whom I sometimes agree and don't loathe. Last week, I would have shared this article along with that very sentiment (even though...who cares?), and then been lambasted with comments loaded with the criticism and disappointment of my hard-line "liberal" friends and the cries from those on the other end that Tim Scott's not conservative enough! He's a pandering moderate at best!

But this...this is what we used to do, kids! We read our papers and, get this, formed our very own opinions in the quiet of our minds. If we really wanted to discuss this opinion we had, we'd meet up with friends in person (where it's a lot harder to be rude, condescending, or reproachful) to discuss said opinions over coffee, beer, or a meal. Still an open exchange of ideas, but with the filters of socially acceptable behavior.

I knew this month would be politically charged and that made the idea of a #FacebookFreeFebruary instantly appealing. I may experience more difficult withdrawal symptoms as the days wear on, but right now I'm perfectly content having my analog experience :)

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